Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama: A New King Arthur

Aloha Beloveds
What a glorious day for the New Earth

In a journey today with my soul sister Bahli I saw the pheonix rising ,not just over USA but over the whole Earth .The people have chosen ,they have chosen the Light ,they have opened the way for critical mass to move us into ascension .

Obama has the energy of King Arthur and is the holder of the pendragon flame which Arthur brought to the Earth but was unable to hold and to complete.

Obama is the Champion ,the knight protector who upholds and supports The frequency of the Divine Feminine which is Birthing Gaia into her New Form .

It is no coincidence that his 2 daughters and wife were on stage with him. He epitomises the energy of the gentle warrior protector of the Divine Feminine so that She can reclaim the Earth for Love

I saw Lightworkers stepping out of the cocoons that they have been hiding and growing in until the Earth was safe for them to emerge and to be seen for who they are.

A massive birthing of all of us into our Bodies of Radiant Light in the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ

The tide has turned and there is no holding it back now .
We have reclaimed our Beautiful Planet Earth for Love.

On a personal level the Earth now supports the Lightworkers to fulfill the mission we have always held ,to recreate Love ,Beauty , Truth and Peace right here and right now

It is time to come together to create the communites which will take us forward into the New Dawn.

As we move from the 5th night in the Mayan calender which is " manufactured lack" into the 6th day which is " consciousness surpasses technology" it is time for us to stop pretending we are not the Creator Beings who dreamed this whole Universe into Being and to begin creating our New Dream here on Beloved Gaia.

Blessings ,Infinite Love and Gratitude to each one of you who has held the Dream through the days of Darkness.

Let us come together now and celebrate our Victory in the Light.

Charmian Kumara

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